
New-Age Wedding Vows For Modern Day Couples

Strong wedding vows are the cornerstone of any marriage. Every couple includes them when they exchange vows of love and commitment.  Nevertheless, these vows are historically highly significant. Although many couples these days increasingly feel the need to embrace new wedding vows due to the changing times. So why not give your wedding’s conventional vows a modern twist?

Marriage alliances, one of the best marriage bureau in Gurgaon brings you some new-age wedding vows & tips on how to write these vows for the new-age couple.

  1. To Divide All Responsibilities Equally

Your obligations in today’s fast-paced metropolitan life shouldn’t be gender-specific. It’s essential that you divide up the domestic duties equally between the two of you. To oversee your household’s finances, look after your children, etc. Your marriage will be an enjoyable adventure if you can set each other free via a spirit of sharing.

  1. Spending Quality Time With Each Other

Spending significant amounts of time with each other is not possible in the current situation. Make sure to set aside some time just for you and your partner. Make sure you have some time that is just for you and your significant other and away from your mobile phones or any other electronic gadget. Go on a dinner date, a morning or evening walk, a lengthy drive, or anything similar at least once every week.

  1. Treating Each Other’s Goals Equally

You are a couple and a team, but you are still two distinct people. Your journeys are parallel. They don’t have to be identical. Make a pact to treat each other’s goals equally. Each person should treat the passion of the other with respect. Additionally, make a commitment to helping each other achieve their dreams.

  1. To Always Be Best Friends

A best buddy is the ideal kind of companion. Be the best of friends to one another. Trust, compassion, selflessness, and love serve as the foundation for this. Believe in your better half. Never try to peek into their private accounts because doing so can erode your trust in them. Your relationship may ultimately be harmed by this.

  1. To Not Keep Secrets

Mutual trust is the cornerstone of your partnership. Therefore, make a commitment to being open and honest with your significant other. You work as a unit. Being honest in your relationship will undoubtedly make you happy.

  1. To Equally Respect Each Other’s Parents

Why not treat each other’s parents equally when in the present world both girls and boys are treated equally and our culture is increasingly moving away from a gender-based society? Make a commitment to respect your better half’s parents as your own.

Because you will be spending the rest of your life with this person, who will witness your pleasure, share your sorrows, and age with you, the aim is to write something special and customised. Continue reading this post for some advice on how to construct your wedding vows.

  1. The first stage is to list the characteristics that initially drew you to him or her. Are they the person you’ve always seen getting married, or are they someone completely unanticipated but now they who have altered your life’s trajectory? Write about the traits you admire in them and all the adorable things you notice about them.
  2. Mentioning the moment you first met and fell in love is the one and only special topic to talk about in your wedding vows. When you get married, reliving those moments is like remembering the one and only reason you chose to wed this person.
  3. Write about how your relationship with the other person has affected you and how your union with them will change your life.
  4. Along with describing your image of a marriage and what it means to you, writing down the primary reasons you want to be married is a terrific idea.
  5. Along with the usual words, a wedding vow might also contain a few humorous passages to lighten the mood and create a more enjoyable environment.
  6. Write the final version of the wedding vows on a notecard and keep them brief. Once you’ve finished writing, practise using all of your feelings as if it were the last day. Whether you have a gift for language or not, what counts most is that you are speaking from the depths of your heart and expressing your actual emotions.

Marriage Alliances is a trusted matchmaking matrimonial services provider in Gurgaon. If you are on the lookout for your Jeevansathi, reach out to us today.