
Jasdeep and Simran

Thanks Marriage Alliances for finding a lifepartner for my brother. 


We are happy to announce that we got a very good Rishta through Marriage Alliances. Honestly, i didnot expected such a wonderful work by you guys. Thanks for your efforts and prompt work.


Hello Marriage Alliances,

Firstly a huge thank you, My daughter s marriage has done thru your comapny. Due to your hard work and excellent services, the most important task of my life has done so easily. Keep it up. 

Saloni and Bharat

Thanks Marriage alliances, With your help and great efforts, we got a good match for my beloved sister. 

Shubham and Divya

Thanks Marriage Alliances.....for outstanding service got finaliazation in short duration. All the best to your team.

Mayank and Tannu


On the whole our journey was a Great Success. 

Thanks for your efforts specially Ritu ji.



Ankur & Surabhi

I am glad and best wishes to Marriage Alliances. My Son is in London UK and we were looking for a tall, beautiful and well qualifed girl. Marriage Alliances has done a very good job for us. Now Surabhi from Chandigarh is our sweetest family member. Thanks Again